What does AFDA mean in AWARDS & MEDALS

AFDA stands for the Australian Furniture Design Award which is an annual award presented by the Design Institute of Australia in recognition of innovative furniture designs. The award aims to recognize and honour designers from across Australia who have made outstanding contributions to the nation’s furniture design industry. This prestigious award has been presented since 2003 and is used to promote excellence within the Australian design community.


AFDA meaning in Awards & Medals in Miscellaneous

AFDA mostly used in an acronym Awards & Medals in Category Miscellaneous that means Australian Furniture Design Award

Shorthand: AFDA,
Full Form: Australian Furniture Design Award

For more information of "Australian Furniture Design Award", see the section below.

» Miscellaneous » Awards & Medals


The Australian Furniture Design Awards were founded in 2003 by the Design Institute of Australia (DIA). The awards are given annually to furnishings or products designed from any materials including traditional woodworking techniques and/or cutting-edge engineering processes. The purpose of these awards is not only to encourage individual creativity but also to inspire a culture of innovation throughout the entire Australian furniture industry. Winning designs are those that are well crafted, innovative, functional, sustainable and meet a market need – while being commercially viable at the same time.

Established Categories

The AFDA awards consists of four main categories: Commercial; Student/Emerging Designer; Original Work; Adaptation/Redesign. Each category rewards excellence with respect to each area specifically, such as commercial success in Professional category; airiness & filigree qualities in Original Work category; pushing boundaries in Adaptation/Redesign category etcetera. Entries are judged by an esteemed panel comprised of senior industry professionals from both commercial and education institutions respectively.

Essential Questions and Answers on Australian Furniture Design Award in "MISCELLANEOUS»AWARDS"

What is the Australian Furniture Design Award (AFDA)?

The Australian Furniture Design Award (AFDA) is an annual event that celebrates and recognizes excellence in furniture design from around the world. AFDA is hosted by the Design Institute of Australia and takes place every year in Melbourne. AFDA rewards outstanding design, craftsmanship, innovation, and sustainability in furniture design and recognizes innovators and their work as a representation of modern trends and styles.

What are the categories for entering into the AFDA?

There are three categories for entering into AFDA - Residential, Commercial/Contract, and Student. Within each category there is an additional distinction between Internal & External Awards which focus on furniture items designed specifically for interior or exterior spaces respectively. All entries must meet criteria specific to their chosen category to be eligible for consideration at the awards ceremony.

How much does it cost to enter into AFDA?

Entering into the competition costs $75 AUD per entry. This fee covers processing costs associated with item registration and administration of entries submitted into different award categories. Payment must be completed before submitting your entry form via credit card or PayPal at the time of registration.

What kind of materials can be used when submitting a furniture piece for AFDA?

Entries may include natural or man-made materials commonly found in contemporary furniture designs such as metal, plastic, wood, glass etc., as well as textiles and fabrics including leathers or other organic materials suitable for use in furniture design. Any innovative material used must adhere to safety standards applicable within Australia if considered valid by AFDA during evaluation process.

Is there any size requirement when submitting my piece for evaluation?

Pieces should not exceed two meters in width/length; however submittals can be larger than this at judges discretion depending on clever interpretation of criteria associated with particular award category selected during application process.

How do I submit my entry to AFDA?

Entries must be completed online via submission form available on official website associated with event including images/files related to item build illustrating clarity of professional workmanship conducted during production stage.

Are there any geographical restrictions when entering into AFDA?

No, anyone from any country can submit an entry into the competition regardless of geographical location; however all production processes should adhere to legal requirements applicable within Australia’s legislative framework.

Final Words:
The Australian Furniture Design Awards acknowledge some of Australia's brightest minds within this creative sector each year, with recognition given to both established professionals as well as emerging talents alike. Through recognizing national talent, AFDA endeavours to foster advancements within this exciting field while simultaneously promoting collaboration between educational institutions and businesses - creating a vibrant atmosphere for future designers from which they can further develop their own skillset and career trajectory within this fast-paced industry.


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  • "AFDA" www.englishdbs.com. 01 Jun, 2024. <https://www.englishdbs.com/abbreviation/24846>.
  • www.englishdbs.com. "AFDA" Accessed 01 Jun, 2024. https://www.englishdbs.com/abbreviation/24846.
  • "AFDA" (n.d.). www.englishdbs.com. Retrieved 01 Jun, 2024, from https://www.englishdbs.com/abbreviation/24846.
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