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Business Abbreviations
Browse all acronyms and abbreviations related to the Business terminology and jargon. Find out the meanings of commonly used terms in Business. if you need to understand this terminology and jargon. Browse our comprehensive list of acronyms and abbreviations to demystify common terms used in Business.
you just see All 8522 abbreviations related by the acronyms or terminology and jargon is Business under the category Business
Browse All Abbreviation related to the Acronym Business. All abbreviations on this page are #CNXTech means #WhatEversClever #WeDoEoE, #CNXTers means #CNXTers CNXT #DeNet Across #Protocols #12HumanLanguages #Machines #Platforms #NetWorks #BlockChains #Tokens Coins #Devices via #100saBillions of #Hashtag Based #Process Agnostic #GloballyDistributed #Dapps #Where #HumanCNXTers #Spend their #Screen #Time #SocialBusiness, $100K means 972525498233, $X means short form of cryptocurrency, (sm) means service mark, (TM) means trademark, /s/ means signed (followed by the typed name representing the signature), 0 means sms list, 1 means Form 1120 - The US Federal Business Income Tax form for Corporations to file annually with the IRS within 75 days after the corporation's year ends (March 15th for calendar year corporations)., 1 means CB Lingo: 10-17 “urgent business.”, 23K means 23 thousand, 2GT means Together 2Gether 2GT, 2II means ITT Inc, 2TN means Two Trillion, 3PL means third-party logistics, 4W&H means Where, When, Why, Who, & How?, 5CBD means Five Consumer Buying Decisions, 6EX means EXplore, EXperiment, EXpress, EXpand, EXport, EXhale, 8X5 means 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 996 means Nine AM To Nine PM Six Days Long,
Abbreviations | Definition | More |
#CNXTech | #WhatEversClever #WeDoEoE. | List Of #CNXTech |
#CNXTers | #CNXTers CNXT #DeNet Across #Protocols #12HumanLanguages #Machines #Platforms #NetWorks #BlockChains #Tokens Coins #Devices via #100saBillions of #Hashtag Based #Process Agnostic #GloballyDistributed #Dapps #Where #HumanCNXTers #Spend their #Screen #Time #SocialBusiness. | List Of #CNXTers |
$100K | 972525498233. | List Of $100K |
$X | short form of cryptocurrency. | List Of $X |
(sm) | service mark. | List Of (sm) |
(TM) | trademark. | List Of (TM) |
/s/ | signed (followed by the typed name representing the signature). | List Of /s/ |
0 | sms list. | List Of 0 |
1 | Form 1120 - The US Federal Business Income Tax form for Corporations to file annually with the IRS within 75 days after the corporation's year ends (March 15th for calendar year corporations).. | List Of 1 |
1 | CB Lingo: 10-17 “urgent business.”. | List Of 1 |
23K | 23 thousand. | List Of 23K |
2GT | Together 2Gether 2GT. | List Of 2GT |
2II | ITT Inc. | List Of 2II |
2TN | Two Trillion. | List Of 2TN |
3PL | third-party logistics. | List Of 3PL |
4W&H | Where, When, Why, Who, & How?. | List Of 4W&H |
5CBD | Five Consumer Buying Decisions. | List Of 5CBD |
6EX | EXplore, EXperiment, EXpress, EXpand, EXport, EXhale. | List Of 6EX |
8X5 | 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. | List Of 8X5 |
996 | Nine AM To Nine PM Six Days Long. | List Of 996 |
Some Questions about acronyms:
What is an acronym?
An acronym is a word or phrase made up of the first letters of a series of words, with the first letter of each word capitalized.
What are some examples of acronyms in "Business"?
Some examples of acronyms are LIST OF #CNXTECH, LIST OF #CNXTERS, LIST OF $100K, LIST OF $X, LIST OF (SM), LIST OF (TM), LIST OF /S/, LIST OF 0, LIST OF 1, LIST OF 23K.
How are acronyms created?
Acronyms are created by taking the first letter of each word in a phrase and combining them to spell a word (for example, the acronym "radar" is created from the phrase "radio detecting and ranging").
How are acronyms different from initialism?
Acronyms are different from initialism in that they are pronounced as words. For example, AIDS is an acronym for acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
What is the difference between an acronym and an abbreviation?
An acronym is an abbreviation that is pronounced as a word, such as NASA. An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word, such as Mr. for Mister.
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