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Non-Profit Organizations Abbreviations
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Browse All Abbreviation related to the Acronym Non-Profit Organizations. All abbreviations on this page are 1-50IA means First Battalion 50th Infantry Association, 100BGF means 100th Bomb Group Foundation, 100BM means One Hundred Black Men of America, 100BMA means One Hundred Black Men of America, 100BMGD means One Hundred Black Men of Greater Detroit, 100BMNJ means One Hundred Black Men of New Jersey, 100BMNY means One Hundred Black Men of New York, 100IDA means 100th Infantry Division Association, 10NCST-C means 10th North Carolina State Troops Company C - The Charlotte Artillery, 10VVI means 10th Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment Companies A - L, 117CA means 117th Cavalry Association, 11PVI-K means 11th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Company K, 11PVIPF means 11th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Preservation Foundation, 125NYRA means 125th New York Regimental Association, 1279CEA means 1279th Combat Engineering Alumni, 12VI-ANVA means 12th Virginia Infantry Army of Northern Virginia, 13PR-K means Company K 13th Pennsylvania Reserves The Bucktails, 141I-26DA means 141st Infantry Regiment 36th Division Association, 145CAB-VA means 145th Combat Aviation Battalion Vietnam Association, 147FAHS means 147th Field Artillery Historical Society,
Abbreviations | Definition | More |
1-50IA | First Battalion 50th Infantry Association. | List Of 1-50IA |
100BGF | 100th Bomb Group Foundation. | List Of 100BGF |
100BM | One Hundred Black Men of America. | List Of 100BM |
100BMA | One Hundred Black Men of America. | List Of 100BMA |
100BMGD | One Hundred Black Men of Greater Detroit. | List Of 100BMGD |
100BMNJ | One Hundred Black Men of New Jersey. | List Of 100BMNJ |
100BMNY | One Hundred Black Men of New York. | List Of 100BMNY |
100IDA | 100th Infantry Division Association. | List Of 100IDA |
10NCST-C | 10th North Carolina State Troops Company C - The Charlotte Artillery. | List Of 10NCST-C |
10VVI | 10th Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment Companies A - L. | List Of 10VVI |
117CA | 117th Cavalry Association. | List Of 117CA |
11PVI-K | 11th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Company K. | List Of 11PVI-K |
11PVIPF | 11th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Preservation Foundation. | List Of 11PVIPF |
125NYRA | 125th New York Regimental Association. | List Of 125NYRA |
1279CEA | 1279th Combat Engineering Alumni. | List Of 1279CEA |
12VI-ANVA | 12th Virginia Infantry Army of Northern Virginia. | List Of 12VI-ANVA |
13PR-K | Company K 13th Pennsylvania Reserves The Bucktails. | List Of 13PR-K |
141I-26DA | 141st Infantry Regiment 36th Division Association. | List Of 141I-26DA |
145CAB-VA | 145th Combat Aviation Battalion Vietnam Association. | List Of 145CAB-VA |
147FAHS | 147th Field Artillery Historical Society. | List Of 147FAHS |
Some Questions about acronyms:
What is an acronym?
An acronym is a word or phrase made up of the first letters of a series of words, with the first letter of each word capitalized.
What are some examples of acronyms in "Non-Profit Organizations"?
Some examples of acronyms are LIST OF 1-50IA, LIST OF 100BGF, LIST OF 100BM, LIST OF 100BMA, LIST OF 100BMGD, LIST OF 100BMNJ, LIST OF 100BMNY, LIST OF 100IDA, LIST OF 10NCST-C, LIST OF 10VVI.
How are acronyms created?
Acronyms are created by taking the first letter of each word in a phrase and combining them to spell a word (for example, the acronym "radar" is created from the phrase "radio detecting and ranging").
How are acronyms different from initialism?
Acronyms are different from initialism in that they are pronounced as words. For example, AIDS is an acronym for acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
What is the difference between an acronym and an abbreviation?
An acronym is an abbreviation that is pronounced as a word, such as NASA. An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word, such as Mr. for Mister.
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